Sunday, February 27, 2011

A wonderful world of snow

So for those of you who don't know yet, the wonderful college world that I attend is covered in ice and snow. So it's kind of cold here. So Friday night it was 10 below and I went outside and boy was that a mistake. Actually the outside part wasn't so bad but other things were but I'll leave that for another day when I care to remember things that are unfortunate. But now ont the real reason for this post, like anyway ago I promised my friend Hannah that I would right a poem about snow and a winter wonderland so now I'm doing this and I must apologize for the delay.

Watching the ground go from green to white,
Gives people the chills and fright.
But to me on the other hand the world is nice,
I wouldn't have it any other way, than covered in ice.

This is no better time to hold a loved one,
To snuggle up, just knowing they are the one, never wanting to run.
The time to hold hands, rub noses, and watch each other blush,
Just knowing your hand is warm cause of theirs is a rush.

Sleigh rides and candy canes, sledding and skating,
These are the most wonderful things about winter there's no debating.
Watching young couples in love, skating around falling all over,
The best thing is seeing the sparkle in her eyes when he says he loves her.

Then there are the snow angels, so innocent and pure,
The only way to make one perfect is with a helping hand for sure.
To watch somebody wiggle around uncermoniously is quiet fun,
It's so ridiculous I'd almost have to run.

The winter is so full of fun, sleigh rides, sledding, and snowball fights,
The world is so grand at these times it's hard to even come in at night.
I want to run and play forever, I like the snow can it stay forever,
Well maybe not forever but for atleast awhile, but not a never.

A new place a new time where the sun always shines,
There will be a time for you and me, to get away from the working grind.
For then we will play all day, not in the hay but so very far away,
Cause maybe, just maybe there will still be snow in may.

Just thought I'd throw that one out there and I am indeed not the best, but I have never told that I am the best. I just do what I love. Writing is a passion of mine, and I'll probably do it till the day I die.

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