Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break Baby!

     You probably thought that I was leaving on spring break, well... not so much. I'm already back, so you thought wrong. BAM FOOL! So here I am, sitting on my, well, not chair is a stool/nightstand in my dorm room actually, I'm not sure how this happened.. and I'm not sure how the chairs multiplied from 2 to 3 in my room and how I managed to not be in one as well. It's quiet confusing and is most unfortunate.
     Now, back to being on topic or something like that... SO, last week was my spring break, and I returned to the WONDERFUL Seattle area where my home resides.  It was nice to go home, I hung out with my friends and it was quiet awesome.  But there were 2 events that really stood out the most to me.  Seeing "She's Outta My League" and my escapade down to the mall, which kind failed, but was still fun.

     First off, we shall discuss "She's Outta My League" just one on one, actually I lied. there are probably many of you who read my blog, or I could just be fooling myself and only I read my own blog, which would make me sad, but its a possibility.  Oh well, I shall talk to my self about this movie.  Dear Self, did you liek the move? Self, yes I did, it was quiet entertaining to myself, but I also happen to be a slight fan of crude humor.  So Self, your saying that people who don't like a little dirty humor should avoid this movie, or think about watching it carefully? Why yes indeed self, thought to those who dislike slightly dirty humor might miss some of the jokes that are implied cause they don't hear it often enough.
     Okay, I"m just going to stop that cause I sound stupid, but over all I liked the movie quiet well, but like I said, if your not a fan of slightly crude humor this movie is NOT for you, I repeat NOT FOR YOU! Do you hear me? cause I'm not going to take the blame for you watching a movie you thought would be hilarious because I thought it was and you just find it repulsive or disgusting or something like that, I repeat I'm not taking that blame!  Anything I review and you go see is at your own risk... I should probably put that in big letters and with some really big word before it like disclaimer.....

*DISCLAIMER!!! I am not responsible for you not liking something I liked, even if you seem similar to me, because its just not how I roll.*

Alright, everybody got it? Good. Now, onto topic 2, the mall... and its epic fail.

     So... I have lived in the same area for a vast majority of my life, like 12 years, give or take, and I've been to this mall probably like 100 times since I was 12 for various reasons, and a decent amount of those I have driven to (okay, maybe not a decent chunk, but like at least 5 times.)  But on this epic day, I was escapading down there with my friend code named Liquid Lemon, and I decided that I was going to take directions from her, this was indeed a poor life choice as we ended up driving around for an hour trying to find this stupid mall, and I ended up on the free way thats on the other side of the freaking city, so I managed to get ALL the way through the town and NOT find the mall, it was fail.  At this point we decided to give up and return back home to give it another shot from scratch, but I took a wrong exit that put is back in town....
     I thought as we approached the end of the exit ramp that I knew where I was and decided that I was going to be the savior and get us to the mall with out a stupid GPS or having to go all the way back home, as you have probably guessed at this point that this is not how the story ends, in fact I probably ended up the furthest from the mall as I had been all day...  I was next to a freaking air strip.  Yes, I was looking for a mall and found the GYNORMUS Boeing Field... Yes, I couldn't find a mall with a bunch of people but I was able to located a airstrip with like no people but flipping huge planes, go figure right?
     Okay, so skip ahead to us ACTUALLY getting to the mall, now what on earth would a boy do there?  sit outside the shops and watch a girl shop? Oh hecks no, I dive right in and do some shopping myself.  there were 2 stores that stick out in my mind.  JCPenny, and PINK (yes the Victoria's secret one, I am manly enough to enter that store.)
     So, at JCPenny I managed to score myself some new shorts, since idaho summers are blazing hot and it feels like I'M ON THE SURFACE OF THE FREAKING SUN! It's just uncool to be that hot, hahah get it? Wow, that was bad, I need to not try to be funny... cause that just turned out bad.  But seriously, when I came here, moving into my dorm room, the sun was trying to cook me like its breakfast, the small little people on the street and I was like the sausage link or something. I was ordered to well done and cooked all the way through with an internal temperature of a KATRILLION degrees, almost as hot as a Hot Pocket.  I also got some cool sunglasses, they are just for everywhere, cause the sun trying to fry my retina's is just uncool.

     So the second store called PINK, is indeed quiet awesome, why guys don't go in there all the time confuses me, I mean is the color really going to like kill you or something? IT IS IN YOUR BENEFIT TO GO IN!  Hell, if your single and your friend wants to go in, go in with her! there are some hot girls in there, and if your any decent at doing anything with clothes then they may WANT you to HELP THEM pick out bra's and underwear and what not, I mean is that a bad thing?  In all honesty that gives you the PERFECT CHANCE TO STARE AT A HOT GIRL!!!!!  Take this opportunity men, take it and seize what you can, you may not get another chance like it.  Plus, if your lucky you may get to do more than just stare at that hot girl, you may even snag a number and possibly get a date. My fellow guys, you have nothing to lose by going into stores like that.  Know your crap about bra's and underwear and your chances instantly multiply.
     Ladies, this advice doesn't have its reversal, guys who walk into PINK got some pretty big kahuna's, and have some self confidence. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!  if he know's anything (which if he has read my blog he will take the time to figure it out, guys, your mom is a good source, for bra's sorta, or get that GOOD friend that is a girl to educate you) he can help you pick out the cute/sexy bra's and underwear to impress other guys, or if your playing him, get him all riled up and think your all hot and steamy and sexy and all that jazz.  Plus, if you got a rockin' body and you want him to see it, perfect opportunity.
    Although we entered the store, we did not exit with anything, as nothing Liquid Lemon deemed was cute was in her size, and nothing in her size was deemed cute, its a classic conundrum that girls run into, they never have your size in stock, no matter what size that maybe.  And I'm sorry for you ladies about that.

     So other than that my spring break was uneventful, just fixed my computer, designed a computer for a friend, walked around some outside, and blew up some houses, ate some cookies, wrecked a couple cares, ate more cookies, etc etc.  I bet I had you aghast and blowing up houses and wrecking cares, I didn't really do those, but I did the rest.  And then I came back to moscow and went to class. Now here I am.  So nothing exciting happened since then...  So.. Tada?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Creating, Doing, Solving the Impossible

So as you know (or possibly don't know) I am in fact a CS (Computer Science, not Criminal Superstar, or Creative Star, or anything like that) Major and there for am by default a nerd(yes, I get a round of applause for figuring this out myself and not thinking i was cool, cause lets be serious, I'm not cool.) and spent ALL of today that I wasn't in class and awake (which I woke up around noon, which was very nice) working on programming, none of which was mine until about 8 at night. So I helped Prince with his C++ for an ungodly amount of time, and disliked it because even with my advanced(okay, not quiet so advanced, but better than a rocks) programming skills I still couldn't get his stupid program to run properly.... that is until I finished with mine for the night at about 10, and decided to give google one more try, and would you know that the least likely looking link would solve the problem? *now imagine this next part me talking in valley girl style* I know right? its like totally unexpected and like unbelievable and like OH MY GOD gag me with a spoon! :D *end valley girl*

So these were essentially impossible tasks, yes, I completed the impossible, do you love me yet? No? well, thats okay I guess.... *sniffle* I'll be okay I suppose... *sniffle*, no really, I'll be fine I'll just go sit in this corner over here and look into the corner and cry *sniffle*, don't mind the hysterics, I'm really fine I promise.

Now onto better topics than me crying in a corner (not really, but I had you fooled for a minute!) I have been watching mr prince man play boarderlands for the last.. well, while, I haven't kept track, but its been awhile. I unfortunately missed my time to play guitar as its not quiet hours and its now that I am doing nothing, but oh well, thats what for later in the week for, but we are headed for a weekend! A chance to finally relax and just chill out and be rested up for the next dreaded week... then.. SPRING BREAK! I are excited, can't you tell? If you wanted a paint drawn picture of me.. I'm sorry I don't have one of those right now, but I will make an emoticon version, maybe input a picture later. :D-|-<

Anyways.. I am to tired to continue on with this post, so I am going to sleep now. Good night bloggy, good night anybody who is reading this, and good night the crazy people that I hear walking down the road.

This post as been brought to you by:
HL2 cinematic mod and its flipping ridiculous download size.
Boarderlands, even though I didn't get to play it. sad face inserted here.
and Nilla Wafers, as they are just plain delicious.

P.S. I promise to review SOMETHING in my next post. and no, not a Life review, but a legit item review.