Friday, December 11, 2009

I am sorry for neglecting you blog.

Dearest Bloggy,
I am sorry I have neglected you for so long, it was not my intention. School has just kept me very busy and I have not had enough time between homework and late night facebooking to give you the attention that you deserve, and for that I am sorry.

Now, the rest of you following me (currently 2 at the moment, sad I know, but I hope the number grows!) I am sorry i have neglected you as well, up until now I have been busy with prep for finals, but I final have a moment to talk to you all. :)

As for me, I have been fairly well, today, I saw the same play for the third time, each time it gets more predictable, its kind of odd being able to predict everything. But oh so much has happened. I have gone to my second dance down at the moose lodge and this time I wasn't give the "party" stamp (aka the drink to go stamp) because they read my ID correct this time. But I still had a blast (didn't drink the first time anyways, i just felt special with the stamp cause i"m the youngest of the group that went.) But I had a blast, and that is all that matters. Finally, yes, finally after all this time being alive I have just now learned to dance at a club where there are very few dancing rules.. Sad I know, but hey, we all gotta learn sometime right?

Lastly before I leave you Bloggy and my followers, I just thought I would let you know that I am happy that the city is above 30 degrees for once, like I am unbelievably happy, you have no idea. And with that, I shall leave you. Take care, I miss you and good luck. Till next time... LadiesMan out!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Little Insight...

So I just thought I would give a little bit of an insight as to why this small, yet cozy (or weird, your choice) blog has popped up. This isn't going to be a super high end blog, with fancy pants ideas that are going to win a Nobel peace prize, but just the adventures and randomnimity of me.

I originally got the idea for a blog from my friend/suite mate's girlfriend Cinderella, whom my suite mate is Prince. By the way, none of these names have I invented myself, but stole from Cinderella herself. I figured this would be legit, because some of you who read mine might read hers and some who read hers might read mine etc etc and it would make it easier to ID who is who.

Anyways, its getting close to 1 in the morning and I get the luxury of waking up in 6.5 hours, huzzah... I have no idea why I am still up, but yet somehow, here I am, awake and doing a silly blog..

But anyways, I have no idea how often I will be posting.. but I guarantee it will not be everyday, that I can tell you. My guess is something more like once a week. Heck, I'm not sure yet, so you will just have to wait and stick around to find out. I might even do evil trickery and not post on a regular schedule, and mix it up!

Anyways, good night bloggy and bloggy readers, I go to bed now and will enjoy all my z's for the night, and a nap tomorrow probably as well.