Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another Poem, Why not?

So.. Since I haven't really accomplished much in life recently I'd figure I'd write you another poem, its not as happy as the last post, in fact some might find it down right depressing, but hey.  We can't be happy all the damn time, myself included.

Watching the beautiful colors in life fade
Removing all that effort I so strongly made
Losing all that I worked for
Like heat escaping out an open door

I race to stop it from going down the drain
But no idea works that comes to my brain
All I can do is sit and watch
As all my hard work turns out to botch

So behind the locked door I sit
With a feeling that no key will ever fit
To unlock the secrets behind lock and key
The only thing between you and the real me

Oh how I hope you find the device to open the magic lock
To rid me of this ever ticking clock
The sound that reminds me of many things I lack
Ever reminding me that I'm not on track

So please rescue me from the dark and dreary place
To let my mind rest from its endless thought race
Removing the ball and chain from my heart and soul
So that my heart no longer beats after you like a fool

Because no matter what I seem to do
To notice me it never seems to be enough for you
I could just be doing everything, even jump in the air
But I would still be less interesting than the fair

So hand over the key to a girl who wants my heart
Who won't throw it in a blender from the very start
A certain somebody who will lay out in the sun
And together we can have lots of fun

So for now I cast out my line
Wait and see if my bait a girl it will find
All I can do now is hope and pray
That my love will soon come my way.

By the way, you can share these if you feel.  Or share my blog in general, I don't care.  IF you think somebody would like any part of anything, just show it to em.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ignored for so long, but not any longer!

I know that I have neglected this blog over the past while, especially the summer.  And for that I am sorry blog and fellow blog readers.  So since I can't really think of a good topic to write on, I'm just going to write a poem. Its not going to be anything of ridiculously good quality, but its what I've got.  You can give you feed back if you want, or sit in silence. your choice.  Just don't be hatin' (okay a little hate is okay, just not like a whale portion of hate.)

The sound of the rain as it pours from the sky
Glimmering as it reflects off her eye
Making her face look so soft and pure
Softer than even rabbits fur

The gentle look on her face
Is one that I'll never be able to erase
I just wish she'd turn to look at me
for then my mind would be set free

I'd tell her all the things I've wanted say
To make her world more blue than grey
To show her how I really feel
But my love for her inside me behind a seal

So here I stand looking deep into her eyes
Wanting to say these things so bad I could cry
But here I stand in silence just looking
As the rain down the pane keeps rolling

Just when I had about given up
Into my my eyes she does look
A connection so simple, but so strong
Is one that I wish could last all night long

And almost like a summers dream
or somebodies cruel evil scheme
Into me she learns and wraps her arms around tight
So gripped on so she doesn't lose the life fight

For in this moment I could stay forever
Stay in the dream like an endless river
But I wake up just in time
So as not to end this ride

I reach around and hold her close
So that we are almost nose to nose
A moment so surreal
I can't believe that this is for real.

Almost as if she was trying to make my heart burst
In this moment she has me so immersed
A simple lean in and our lips touch
There is no way this is happening, its all to much

She takes a moment and smiles
A smile so great I would have walked a million miles
From there we take a seat at the window
and spend the rest of the day snuggled up as a duo