Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A fruitless effort

I get that life isn't perfect and not everything is happy
I understand that sometimes we need our sad days
I realize that I'm not the greatest person on the planet
I also know that I am in fact worth something

Right now I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall
I feel like no matter what I say or do, it gets me no where
Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you

I stand here screaming at the top of my lungs
Tears streaming down my face
Yet nobody seems to see or hear me
Even amongst this crowded world we live in

I know things will be every changing
That friends are made and lost through time
But there are always those friends you will keep forever
And it sucks when you lose one of them

I make the time for you, to do my best to give it
Yet in return I get nothing, I always have to initiate the handshake
If you don't want me around all you have to do is say
And I'll go away, though I may not understand

I don't know what is going on with me
Is there something wrong with me
Do I smell or look funny, am I lopsided or square
Is it that I'm too open, or that I care

I'm not sure what it is, but its strange
This strangeness is killing me
I'm doing my best to make the sun come out and shine
But clouds always seem to be getting in the way

Hopefully I can figure this out soon
Because these cloudy days are really starting to wear me down
Maybe I just nee to take some time to be away from everything
And just live in a secluded world to try and find my sun

I know I'm not in a good place right now, and I'm sorry for those who are suffering along with me, I truly am sorry because most of you don't need this version of me, you need my happy and content version, but I just can't be that right now.
Right now I can barely function, let alone do other things. Who knows, maybe tomorrow will be the start of my turn around, but the forecast predicts it won't be.

1 comment:

  1. you do look funny. and smell funny. and you're kinda lopsided too. but all the best people are. chin up. :)
