So, those of you who haven't figured out that I am a gamer yet, you are behind on things and should catch up quickly. Because honestly if you haven't picked up on the fact that I now own a PS3 (summer 2010 purchase) then you are living in the stone age, and you should just go back and hide under your rock. Much like I have been doing for the past good month or so, because I haven't been on this doodle mc bober any time recently, which is my fault, sorta, well yeah. cause I've set my "free" time to be other places.
If your wondering what could have taken up all my time for the past month? here is your answer, its really simple and only one word. College. Yes, that is right I'm actually learning and doing stuff this year, the reason why you are getting a post right now is because I'm on thanksgiving break and I am unable to sleep, granted my reason for not sleeping is poor as I'm talking to another person who is totally awesome by the way. In my college experience all I have been doing lately is homework, food, glee, and sleep when possible, now if this sounds terrible to you. Try doing it, much worse.
Now what little free time I have procured has been spent on Glee, Movies, and Call of Duty: Black Ops. Now if you feel like I have wasted my time, then go ahead and tell me, but I will most likely call you biased or a video game/Glee hater. Though this only maybe for tonight cause I are tired, but thats a whole different story. So, you can't be hatin', judgin', layin' on some disses or any other stuff like that, I am currently in a good mood bubble, and if you pop it, I might just throw kittens at you are something (PETA, do not attack me I am only kidding! I love kittens.)
So you have been caught up for the past month or so, except for when I get home. Then it snowed, like 7.5 inches on my back deck, so, if you don't know this about Seattle. THIS NEVER HAPPENS! we are lucky to get like an inch of snow all year, so it trapped me in my house for the past day or so (thank you stupid drivers and stupid hills yes, we applaud you, but not really.)
So if you couldn't guess it, the second part of my blog post is about Call of Duty: Black Ops.
For your information, this is the only game I've ever pre-ordered and gone to a midnight release for, so that was my confidence in this game, which came out to be right. Though, I did have a blast at the pre release party, and tourney (though I did terrible at that, but thats a different story.) This game is probably one of the best shooters I have ever played. I'll break up this review into 2 sections. the campaign (don't worry, I won't give away to much story line) and Multi-player
This campaign rocked my socks, like the loading screens between the mission actually enhance the story line, so if you skip them you are missing a good section of the story. This isn't one of those straight foreward campaigns' where you can predict everything that is going to happen at the beginning of the game like you can call out who dies and what not. Treyarch did a really good job of not letting that happen. The story kept me engrossed till the very end, literally till like the last second of the final cinematic. And then my mind exploded cause of what happened.
SO this is where the heart of the COD series shines, literally multi-player makes this game legit, and while I may not be that good at it. I still have one helluva good time playing it. Cause I mean, how fun would it be to run around with an RC car with C4 strapped to it, and then when you cruise by somebodies feet hit the detonate button and blow them sky high? I mean that would be COOL! So as most of you who follow COD stuff, you know that Tactical Nuke is gone, which is a major benefit, but they did bring back the dogs. Now, before you freak out and say "OMG OMG OMG IT'S WORLD AT WAR ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!" stop and listen, while the attack dogs are back, they are extremely hard to get, as its a kill streak of 11, and your previous kill streak kills, do not count toward this total. So getting 11 kills in a row is not an easy feat. I've seen them call in a total of twice in multi-player. So don't fret, they are not the end of the world. Now on the other hand the RC car can be a major pain in the butt, its just this little nimble thing that comes around the corner and BOOM your gone. I'm not calling it cheap, just saying its a creepy, sneaky SOB that is out to kill ya.
Over all, multi-player is a blast and would almost be worth the price of the game for that alone, so this is all my tired brain can think of right now.. so this is where I shall end it. I shall try to make posts more often that maybe don't have as much useless crap on them, maybe ones that are more concise and short and all that goodness. Just let me know if you wanna see something change here. so tada!
Over and out, time to pass out!
I would like to see your background change. Right now I see a lot of grays and blacks..I don't know if this is a problem with the script itself or...if you just want a depressing background. Bring back some color please! :D