Since I have no posted on this thingy in awhile I thought I'd just give a little recap of a lot of stuff (no, not everything, you don't get to know about all the intimate details about my life... Creepers...)
So.... since I can't remember past the last week (yes sad I know, but it happens with massive amounts of homework) I shall start there. So since from Sunday when I woke up till Friday night, I had accumulated 18 hours of sleep total, and it made me very tired, in fact I am still kind of tired. But my life had been consumed by homework and what not, and guess what kind it was?
If you haven't guessed by now... I've just revoked your guessing rights...
If you guessed drawing, your wrong. If you guessed eating, your wrong. If you guessed com 101, your wrong. If you guessed dating, your wrong. If you guessed programming, your right. Because that is what takes up most of my life anyways, no matter how unfortunate that is. But oh well, I shall live with it. I shall get to draw, eat, comm 101, date all at a later time that isn't occupied by programming. (yeah.. that sounds really sad... I should fix that...) So in short... Homework sucks. And in long.... Homework sucks a lot and should be banned from the face of the earth because its most unfortunate and evil and not nice in any way shape or form.
As much as I'd like to annihilate/assassinate/bludgeon homework, I can't because I'm still required to do it for class so that I can pass and become a super duper awesome working dude that gets money, because I don't want to be a hobo when I grow up (kids, if you are thinking about being a hobo when you grow up... I suggest you change your mind, its not fun. Pick a new profession, one that is fun, like..... uh... PILOT!)
So... now. Onto Monday, actually... I don't remember Monday, I just know I have 4 classes that day, other than that... I'm drawing a blank on what happened.. darn you lack of sleep.... so I'll just say I ate food, and did homework and ate cookies, or something like that. Just imagine its Monday for you and it should be close enough. (unless you like Mondays in which then you should think the opposite, because Mondays + me = not good. Also, if you like Mondays, I officially hate you, but only if you consistently like Mondays)
Tuesday = same as Monday, except I DIDN'T SLEEP! AT ALL! Stupid programming.. if you haven't realized it by now, when I program, I don't sleep much...
Wednesday: Wednesday was not bad, just that I didn't get to turn my program in cause it didn't work, so that was unfortunate... oh well, other than that, I liked Wednesday it was nice. I stayed up late playing video games with poosh, we played battlefield (that will be my next blog post, the review of the actual game.) it was cool, because then it was legit and awesome.
Thursday: I don't remember what really happened... all i know is that I did a TON of sleeping, other than that... I got nothing.
Friday: YAIY! it was Friday, and it was epicly nice. Like I spent almost all day out in the sun, it was awesome. Played some beach volleyball and both teams sucked, but we all had fun as it was a big group of us and none of us were pro skills. Also, Friday was the start of Mom's weekend, my mommy came to visit me, it was nice. We did all sorts of mother/son bonding stuff, well kinda. But we had fun.
Since my brain hurts from the INTENSE white background in my darkroom and its to hot to have lights on I shall call it quits on this post, and that fact its super long, so if you got this far, I give you kudos. If you did it in one sitting with out breaks.. please, get up now and do something and get a life, cause I didn't even write this in one sitting...
This post was brought you by....
The Churger: the chicken beef burger that filled my tum tum this night and made it possible for me to focus on the last little bit of this post.
Cell Phone: It kept lighting up keeping me entertained for some odd reason and giving me the giggles, nuff said for its awesomeness.
Surround Sound: It made my music awesomer, nothing more needs to be said about awesome music being made awesomer.
This happened to my room awhile ago. I just let him write it cause I was too lazy too..
This makes me miss you!! If there isn't any sort of hanging out betwixt you and I this summer, there may be drastic consequences that no one can forsee...